Fisherman's Risotto

Modern Touch of Sardinian Cuisine


For over 40 years, we have been passionate about cuisine and dedicated to enhancing tradition with a modern twist. Being part of the local community means honoring our roots with a dash of originality, creating dishes that surprise and delight our customers.

Events and Offers

New menu

Un incontro speciale: titolare, chef e maître hanno lavorato insieme per creare il nuovo menù invernale con le proposte speciali nel periodo autunnale.

Ogni piatto è stato attentamente valutato, assaporato e perfezionato, perché il nostro desiderio è stupirvi e coccolarvi con nuove emozioni culinarie. Sarà tutto pronto prima della fine di ottobre, e non vediamo l’ora di farvi vivere questa nuova esperienza!

Donatella Deriu
Our Home is Also Yours. Since 1981

Our History

Our Hotel and Restaurant is a historic host known for its warm welcome, exceptional cleanliness, and extraordinary attention to guests’ needs. Founded in 1981 by Antonio Deriu and Clelia Sanna, it is one of the few facilities open all year round, welcoming both tourists and business travelers, and is a landmark for the local community. Now managed by the second generation, with manager Donatella Deriu, the host is continuously evolving and represents an example of hospitality and family management.

Every Detail Matters

Excellent Service

There are no minor details in running a good restaurant. The opportunity to welcome you is something we never take for granted. More than anything else in the world, we like to take care of others and we commit to making good service one of our distinctive traits.

Mise En Place
Servizio del pesce

Seasonal Dishes and Our Original Menus


Paccheri with Local Lobster and its Sauce
Paccheri with Local Lobster and its Sauce
Seppia scottata su crema di piselli con petali di cipolla e polvere di alga Kombu
Seared Cuttlefish on Pea Cream with Onion Petals and Kombu Seaweed Powder
Sashimi di tonno flambato con menta e polvere di zenzero
Flambéed with Mint Tuna Sashimi, served with Ginger Powder
La tortina al cioccolato con il cuore caldo di cioccolato fondente, servita calda e decorata con fragole sarde e un foglietto di menta
The chocolate cake with a warm dark chocolate center, served hot and decorated with Sardinian strawberries and a mint leaf.


12:30 PM – 2:30 PM, every day from Tuesday to Sunday

7:30 PM – 10:15 PM, every day from Monday to Sunday

Orders are accepted at any time. Pickup time is from 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM, Monday to Sunday

Open only for dinner service, except on Monday

Open for lunch service from Tuesday to Sunday, and for dinner from Monday to Saturday


via Gramsci, 66 – Posada (NU), Sardinia – Italy
+39 0784 854145